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Halfway through a show, this horse decided that his rider was only slowing him down, she he tossed her off and completed his runs and jumps alone. Hi and welcome to Daily Picks and Flicks – viral videos, funny pictures and odd news blog. We cover all the funny, interesting and strange stuff that is buzzing around the world. The weirder the better. Each day, we surf the web in an effort to find interesting, entertaining and unique videos, pictures and weird news stories. If you like what you find here, please recommend us to your friends. We already like you. All the videos on this channel have been properly acquired from their rightful owners. For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com
Horse Knocks off Rider and Finishes Competition AloneHorse Knocks off Rider and Finishes Competition AloneHorse Knocks off Rider and Finishes Competition AloneHorse Knocks off Rider and Finishes Competition Alone
Horse Knocks off Rider and Finishes Competition Alone