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We asked a group of people with disabilities, what are some of the stupidest questions they've been asked? Here's what they had to say. Defying the Label, a season exploring disability, starts 20th July on BBC Three: http://bbc.in/1TGNwbn With thanks to: National Deaf Children’s Society www.ndcs.org.uk @NDCS_UK United Response www.unitedresponse.org.uk @unitedresponse Scope www.scope.org.uk @scope Extant www.extant.org.uk @extantltd
Stupid questions not to ask a disabled person - Defying the Label Season - BBC ThreeStupid questions not to ask a disabled person - Defying the Label Season - BBC ThreeStupid questions not to ask a disabled person - Defying the Label Season - BBC ThreeStupid questions not to ask a disabled person - Defying the Label Season - BBC Three
Stupid questions not to ask a disabled person - Defying the Label Season - BBC Three