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Source: Youtube: Piece of News Сheering as ISIS schoolgirl Linda Wenzel is captured in Mosul Germany fights to stop ISIS schoolgirl, 16, being executed in Iraq after she was captured with jihadis in Mosul German 16-year-old Linda Wenzel was found hiding in the ruins of Mosul in July The young girl was found hurt, carrying a baby and screaming for help in the city She has told German media she regrets joining ISIS and wants to return home But now she faces a criminal trial in Iraq which could keep her away from home
Сheering as ISIS German schoolgirl Linda Wenzel is captured in MosulСheering as ISIS German schoolgirl Linda Wenzel is captured in MosulСheering as ISIS German schoolgirl Linda Wenzel is captured in MosulСheering as ISIS German schoolgirl Linda Wenzel is captured in Mosul
Сheering as ISIS German schoolgirl Linda Wenzel is captured in Mosul